Thursday 24 April 2014

Why i added a 3rdtwist at the end of the film

I wanted to add a second twist to the end of my film to give it more depth so i looked into films that i thought would help me find what i was looking for.I started off by looking at the film series saw.This was very helpful as it gave me an idea about what i could do at the end of the my film.The idea was inspired by the first saw film as throughout the whole film you see a guy laying down in the middle of the room appearing to be dead when in fact he is the mastermind behind it all.This shocked me when i was told it at the end of the film and I wanted to re-create something similar to this as i believe it would make my film so i decided At the end of my short film i would reveal that the whole house burning down was just a trap to capture the thug.I did this by adding a 3rd twist to the film,i replaced me sitting in the chair that was in front of tv to a skull head and stuffing in the clothing i was wearing to make it look like a skeleton was there the whole time.In the end i believe everything came out well as i had 3 twists to the film as at first you think the guy walking down the road is a thug trying to rob the place then you see he is actually trying to save the place and finally you find out he was in fact being trapped by someone that obviously wanted him killed.

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