Thursday 24 April 2014

looking at other films about points of view

The advert that most appealed to me was this advert made in 1986 for the guardian newspaper. It is short, in black and white and really challenges peoples perceptions as it is about a skinhead who is seen running, then you see him running towards a business man and reaching out for him (so you think he is going to rob him) and then from another angle you see that he has seen a palette of bricks about to fall on the man and is actually saving him. and the moral of the tale is not to judge a book by its cove and to read a newspaper that will give you the whole story is the guardian. In this piece each different point of view reveals a bit more about what is really happening, and each uses a new camera angle. This is like visual paragraphs, and separates the film into three parts. The voiceover is the constant, and though it seems patronising now, I can see it would have sounded more like commonsense back then. And it is very powerful. The viewer is left thinking about their own point of view and feeling silly for having been fooled by the skinhead stereotype. If I could create that kind of confusion or distortion in my film I would be very pleased. I really wanted to make people have one view and then change that view through the film, and I think I did achieve that.

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