Thursday 24 April 2014

Practicalities of camera angles and goPro

I had chosen to use a goPro to shoot my short film, the wide angle lens gives me the effect I want and it is small and easy to carry around, but I did have to think about how to hold it for much of the action. As fairly new to the goPro I did some research on how best to use it: as they say on their site the audio is a real problem with feedback etc so I was doing a separate soundtrack, this suited my film anyway, but is a real downside of the camera. I was able to use a tripod for much of the filming, and thought of filming some of it hand held, but as the camera is so light this can be difficult to keep steady, so I had to think about where I could place my tripod to get the angles I wanted and set up and try different angles and systems of camera support. This is an interesting article about using the best tool for the job, whether or not it is a go Pro or not, but this person had the option of setting up multiple cameras to get the same footage from different angles, I did not have this luxury! So I had to think in advance of the angles I wanted to shoot from, the different angles being so important for the telling of my story as this is how the “plot “ reveals itself, so I had to plan the shots to make sure I could do them quickly one after the other so for example the natural lighting was not too different from one angle to another. Again this research made me realise just how important planning is for every aspect of making a film or short film, just because it is short does not mean you can get away with a lack of planning! I was thinking of doing some running shots with a camera attached to my helmet for example, but this though technically feasible with a goPro – one of its many advantages - did not actually fit in with the filming in the end as I developed the story.

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