Thursday 24 April 2014

Post production issues

I had to think about how to divide the film up into the three sections: the beginning when you think the guy is going to rob the house; the middle when you see him being a hero as the house is on fir and finally the part where you realise he has been set up and drawn into a house on fire and is the victim.I thought that i would divide the first two fairly equally and then just at the end reveal the true nature of what was going on as if i made this bit too long the surprise would be lost a bit.It was an interesting exercise editing this film, and in retrospect I was lucky as i was able to use most of what i shot. i am pleased with how i divided up the film into sections, i think it works well.I used a piece of softwear that you get when you buy a go pro called go pro studios this was helpful but made it a lot more difficult to add effects at the end as i should of just put it all together on after effects so i could add different effects to each scene with a lot more ease.

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