Thursday 24 April 2014

Technical Practicalities.

Having looked at the location issues previously, it became clear that I was actually quite limited with where and when i could shoot. I did have my actor lined up and willing, but his availability was going to be a factor. I had to rethink my ideas to bring them in line with the reality of my situation, the type of camera I’m using and the kind of film I want to make. I took inspiration from the site, this was the company that originally made the famous guardian points of view advert in the 1980s (though under a new name now) This helped me to focus my thoughts on what I was trying to achieve and how best to show that. So I was limited due to my actor and due to the lack of budget for travel and also the access issues which pretty much narrowed down my location for me and so I had to look at the technical practicalities of my own street! Of course this ticked the boxes – power points n the house, access to the front and rear of the property for filming, and the possibility of easily reshooting as necessary. I had checked with my housemates that they didn’t mind me using the living room for example, and so I was able to focus my time and energy on the actual plot and how this would work out. this site also gives great advice on the technicalities of filming in the “real world” . interesting to see how with a short film you still have to tell your story and so in fact you need to think carefully about every shot and every emotion shown to get something across in a short space of time. Reading this article made me realise that I wanted to shoot my film without a script, let the action tell the story, that way the viewer can focus on the action and has to think about what is going on, this subjectivity of experience is exactly what I wanted to put across. And technically, this is something I can do, I don’t need to rely on my actor (friend) to speak when he may not be comfortable with that, and can keep his input to a minimum, giving me more time to create a soundtrack and edit add effects etc.

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