Thursday 24 April 2014

adding effects

As this module was all about effects i needed to think about what effects i was going to add to my film. I started off by thinking about what sort of effects would i need to obtain if i wanted to make a house look like it was on fire. I wrote down a list of what i needed 1.smoke2.fire3.debris. i knew what needed so I started to look for the effects.I thought about filming a fire on green screen and adding it in but that would of just been to dangerous.I then thought about making a small fire and filming it but then i thought that would just not give the effect i needed as it would be way to small and i doubt there would have been enough smoke. I ended up buying some source fxs such as flames and smoke that i could add to my film using masks and other effects in after effects to give off the look i needed. I needed to add more effects to my film so i decided to look into ways in witch i could create an animated ending title sequence in the end i done this by following this tutorial I had to resubmit my work and was given a chance to add more effects i lost my original film so i had to just re-create bits of it so i decided that i would try and add a cctv camera.I wish i had thought of this when doing my actual film as this would of given it a lot more depth.

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