Thursday 3 April 2014


Finn barmer OUDF503 Evaluation For this project i was set a task to search for a competition brief and complete it . For this I looked at a brief about a book illustration competition. The competition was to create 3 concept pieces of art work that illustrate scenes in the book and a book cover for the book Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad,which first appeared in publication in 1899.I thought this was perfect for me as i want to create a book when i'm older and need to get better with my concept drawing.I started off my research by looking into a few concept designers for inspiration,as i had to read the book i did that as well.I also re-watched the film apocalypse now for more inspiration.This was a great source of inspiration for me as the film really drags you into the nightmareish world of the jungle and distorted reality even though its not an animation the film work is so incredible it makes you think you are there and i found this a really use full exercise.Watching the film and reading the book got me thinking about nightmarish reality and nightmares in general.I think this was helpful when i was doing the illustrations for the competition.In conclusion to this competition i am very pleased with the final pieces of work as by looking at them you can tell they are all done by one person as i tried to make them look similar by what colours and technique i used.If i could do them again i would probably try to add more depth by adding more layers.My tutor said this project was not big enough so i had to do another one so I looked into more competitions.I came across this competition early on,in this competition i had to create a 30 - 1 min advert for a rolo advert.The advert competition was about rolo trying to bring back to life the old saying who would you give your last rolo to? I wanted to create this advert on my go pro so I got my m8s together to film the idea I had about a monkey fight.The idea was that I would have 2 monkeys fighting as monkeys are very cool I think and they appear in many adds for other brands but rolo hadn't done it yet so I thought maybe this could be time for them.I set up the shoot made handles out of cardboard and string to control the monkeys.I filmed the shoot but when i got on to my computer to look at what I had got I was very disappointed and decided that if i was going to do this film i would have to use a different camera but in the end I decided I wanted to just dump the idea and look for another concept art competition as this is what i want to do when i'm older and would be a lot more relevant to me.I looked at many concept art competitions then I came across the competition by spectrum a concept art paradise book. In this competition i had to design a series of drawings that would would be judged by a group of professional concept designers.As i want to create a book in the future about nightmares i knew i wanted to create 5 images that linked in with that theme.I was able to draw on my research from the previous competition and i found that my ideas all came together quite easily and seemed to follow on really easy and i am quite pleased with that. I looked into the film nightmare before christmas for more inspiration for this theme as it is about Halloween and what goes bump in the night. I love this film but i believe it did not give me as much inspiration as the film apocalypse now and this I think has shown in my final drawings as they look more realistic then cartoony I think.Before I started drawing my characters I decided I needed to have a theme so you could tell they were all in the same series. I decided I would use the technique I created and used for the previous competition on heart of darkness.I used this tecnique but improved it as I used way more layers to give off a cool and scary like feel. I looked at a tutorial on digital tutors about what colours to use and this was very helpful as in the end I think my colours varied a lot in every picture but yet the tone of colour was the same.If i could re do this module i would defiantly try and choose my competition sooner as when i get modules that gives you a long time to do I all ways seem to think i can just do it later this is one of the reasons why I handed it in late i was all so very indecisive about what i was going to do this did not help.I would all so like to add that I have been have been feeling very stressed as things have not been going well in my life and this is another reason why I took so long picking a competition and completing it.In conclusion I am very pleased with the work I have produced and the skills I have learnt in photoshop and will carry on trying to get better.I am very pleased as this module has helped me think about what I do want to do in the future and has given me the kick up the ass i need to start getting better at concept drawing and i all so belive after this very late hand in i need to get better at my time management so i guess in a way this has helped me realise i am poor at it and need to improve.

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