Monday 12 May 2014

textures i did not use and some buildings

The top two Photos in this blog are of some buildings i created in maya,i did not use these as I thought they were definitely not good enough. I thought they were not good enough for a few reasons for example they lacked character in my eyes as they looked to similar to stuff all ready out there and They looked a bit blocky.The next photo down is a photo of my final saloon with a texture that i created that i liked but when i showed a few of my friends they told me the wood planks were way to big for the size of the building ( scale was wrong). I am glad i showed a few of my m8s as it got me thinking and made me get back on photoshop to create a new texture in doing so i created something a lot better and improved my skills. The final photo is a a texture i created using the colours i wanted but when i added it to my texture it didn't look right this is the only reason i did not use it.

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