Tuesday 20 May 2014

Buddha research for competition (inspiration for competition)

When I thought about the competition theme – mind body and emotion – along with thinking about reincarnation I also thought of Buddhism, though a religion, it is more open and has a reputation for being spiritual and using meditation as a tool. I like the idea of losing yourself in this way, and I think it is interesting how thoughts and spirituality can affect your mind and even your body. Kind of mind over matter and the power of positive thinking. I looked at a Buddhism site to try to understand more about Buddhism and its point of view regarding meditation and so mind body and emotion. They see meditation as a way of being able to focus on things you may want to change for example, without this internal focus then it is much harder to change your behaviour which is often habitual. They also advocate repeating certain positive phrases over and over in your head while meditating, and believe that this can really affect the way you think and act and your emotions. Buddhists see the mind as a very powerful instrument, and believe that you can project positive mental energy. I find this really interesting, however for this competition I want to do something that is not religion based, as even with Buddhism I find the fact that it is a religion to constricting, I want to show something that is more to do with the mind and the potential for thoughts changing or affecting your body and emotions.

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