Tuesday 20 May 2014

competition work OUT OF MY MIND

: : :Out of my mind: : : When i saw the compettion fro Mind. Spirit and emotion I was really inspired by the title. For me art is about expressing emotions and actions, but not necessarily about realistic interpretations. I first thought of doing a piece on re-incarnation for this competition. I researched various other interpretations of this theme, which is a subject that has always fascinated me, but a huge proportion of the other artworks I could find were to do with religion, Buddhism, Christian (easter) etc. this is of course to be expected but this was not what I wanted to explore and I couldn’t get the religious images out of my mind. The religious aspect of so many of the artworks really stopped my creativity if you like, but I am still interested in the spirit and spirituality, so I tried to look at it another way. This made me think more about the title for the competition and tried to go into my own mind and see what came out… I wanted to portray mindblowingness and freedom, the idea being that emotion and the spirit are able to flourish if the mind is free. I expressed this by giving my character wings. I want the wings to be at the edge of the piece, they are like an option. I also looked at an art therapy site and the use of colour, I wanted to see what the colours I wanted to use might mean to someone else. http://www.finearttips.com/2009/08/use-the-hidden-meaning-of-color-in-your-art/ the predominate colour I used for the character is blue and tones of blue. The strongest colour is for the wings which represents freedom of mind and spirit Blue is thought of as a calming colour, and I feel this works with my artwork, my character is not panicing, he is thinking, creating, he is a free spirit. The background is a sandy textured surface. I wanted a yellowy tone to represent happiness and hope, which is where he is coming from.

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