Sunday 10 August 2014

Steam boats

I looked into steam boats as the book heart of darkness is a story about a character called Marlow who travels on the Thames and on the Congo in Africa and compares the places and their darkness,so i thought it would be best to do some research. The steam boat is called a steam boat because it uses steam to power it down rivers typically driving propellers or paddlewheels. The term steamboat is normally used when speaking about smaller ships that travel down the rivers or lakes. As steam power became more reliable they started to use steam power on bigger vessels for big ships that sailed the ocean. I wanted to find a couple of photos of steam boats so i could get some inspiration for creating my cover. Below are the some of the photos I found. From my research i found out that steamboats come in many shapes and sizes but with many similarities.I took this into consideration when creating my cover.Even though you cant see the steamboat in my cover fully you can still tell its a steam boat by the steam coming out of it and the shape of the back of the boat.

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