Wednesday 6 August 2014

Covers of heart of darkness

I have to create a cover for the book heart of darkness.I looked on google for some other book cover ideas so I could get my brain juices flowing and come up with an idea for my cover. I picked out two of my favourites from the many I saw,the images are below. The two covers have a few things in common,they both have trees and steam boats in and they both consist of around 3 different types of colours. If I had to pick a favourite cover out of the 2 I would pick the one that is mostly in red.I all so believe this would attract my eye more on a book shelf then the green one and as this is a competition I think I should look at things like this. Both the covers have steam boats in as the steam boat is a vital part in the book so I will defiantly include this in my design.

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