Tuesday 25 March 2014

-Dream state-manipulation by media The film i made for this project

I decided to create a 3 minute film titleed Dreamstate inspired by the video installations such as Un Chien Andalou that I saw at the Tate Modern as a child so often. I also wanted to give a feel of the title sequences by Saul Bass for Vertigo. I like the fragmented editing that was used in the 1960s to portray confusion or hallucination and again more recently in films like Trainspotting. I wanted to create a loop of video that can be stepped into at any point and that could run on a loop as an installation. My idea initially was to create an installation for an exhibition on the manipulation of reality. For my essay I looked into the manipulation of reality and I have tried to use some of the techniques that were used in the examples I used there. I have used a mixture of close ups and long shots and a variety of camera angles to try to create a dream like sequence that lets you the viewer decide what is happening as I would give no information if I was showing this in an exhibition apart from the title. I used different lighting and some colour editing to try to give a variety of effects to the footage. I tried to find soundtracks that would give a different feeling to each part of the film to try to show how the different sounds can make the visuals give a different impression.

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