Wednesday 19 March 2014

lecture =Themes, Consumerism - Persuasion, Brand, Society, Culture File

 AnalysetheriseofUSconsumerism Discuss the links between consumerism and our unconscious desires SigmundFreud Edmund Bernays Consumerism as social control Look at century of self adam curtis Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) New theory of human nature Psychoanalysis Hidden primitive sexual forces and animal instincts which need controlling Look at model of personality stucture 1930 Fundamental tension between civilization and the individual Edward Bernays (1891-1995) Press Agent Torches of Freedom product placement has always been around Celebrity end or sements The use of pseudo- scientific reports Fordism HenryFord(1863– 1947) TransposesTaylorism to car factories of Detroit Marketing hidden needs Selling emotional security reassurance of worth,ego gratification,Creative Outlets,Love Objects,sense of power conclusion Consumerism is an ideological project We believe that through consumption our desires can be met The Consumer Self

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