Wednesday 19 March 2014

lecture=Themes - Identity File

Physiognomy--- ---Phrenology ---Physiognomy legitimising racism--- ---Historical phases of Identity--- ---Pre-Modern Identity ‘Secure’ identities related institutional agency with vested interest--- ---Farm-worker The Soldier The factory worker The housewife The gentleman husband-Wife (family) landed gentry The state--- ---Industrial capitalism patriarchy--- ---patriarchy Marriage/church--- Modern identity 19th and early 20th centuries Baudelaire – introduces concept of the ‘flaneur’ (gentleman-stroller) Georg Simmel Look at Edvard Munch, Evening on karl johan Oil on Canvas, 1892 Discourse Analysis dentity is constructed out of the discourses culturally available to us. What is a discourse ? ---Possible Discourses--- Age Class Gender Nationality Race/ethnicity Sexual orientation Education Income---Class--- i should look at .Humphrey Spender/Mass Observation, Worktown project, 1937 Martin Parr, New Brighton, Merseyside, from The Last Resort, 1983 - 86 Zygmunt Bauman

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