Monday 17 March 2014

How drugs (lsd) can change one's perception of reality

As I am looking into how the media changes ones perception of reality I thought I would look into how drugs also change ones perception of reality to add depth to my research.The video above is about what it would be like on lsd and what kind of thoughts would be in your head.The way drugs such as lsd change your perception is a lot different to the ways in which the media do it but I believe they have some similarities: for example in this video he talks about how some things you see could be real but could also not be real you just don't know. This links in with the media as the stuff we watch on tv could just be something else and is normally someones view of that reality. For example looking back at Benefits Street if they had used some happy or more optimistic footage at the end of the title sequence peoples perceptions of the programme and those filmed in it would change. similarly in the programme, the editing of the footgage they shot affects the viewers perception of the lives depicted.

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