Monday 17 March 2014

Junlge the heat video and why it is relevant to my end film

I looked at this video as it is in a way manipulating the perception of reality. At the start of this video as i see it i see 2 guys wearing hip hop style clothing i think they are going to do a hip hop video/rap video. The video then starts and i see a man who i feel will start rapping/dancing because of the cloths he is wearing, he then starts moving around the floor very quickly and smoothly like he's doing a moonwalk,The camera angle then changes and lets you see the guy i thought was moonwalking is actually roller blading,they start danceing to jungle music with moves that were hip/cool and funky.If they started the video with both of the men in shot so you could see the roller blades in clear view instead of using the shot they did,I believe it would change a lot of peoples minds about what they think is going to happen at the start of the video.

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