Wednesday 19 March 2014

Lecture=Themes: Cities & Film File

This lecture looks at: The city in ModernismThe beginnings of an urban sociology,The city as public and private space,The city in Postmodernism,The relation of the individual to the crowd in the city Georg Simmel (1858- 1918) German sociologist Writes Metropolis and Mental Life in 1903 Dresden Exhibition 1903 Architect Louis Sullivan (1856- 1924) creator of the modern skyscraper an influential architect and critic of the Chicago School mentor to Frank Lloyd Wright Modern Times (1936) Charlie Chaplin Stock market crash of 1929 Factories close and unemployment goes up dramatically Leads to “the Great Depression”,Margaret Bourke-White LA Noire (2011)I really enjoyed this film but must look at it again for some refrenscing the first video game to be shown at the Tribecca Film Festival look at Cities of the future/past- Fritz Lang Metropolis (1929) Ridley Scott Bladerunner (1982/2019) LA Surveillance City Since the attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in 2001 and the ensuing war on terrorism

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