Friday 4 October 2013

My idea for my film

|||| My zombie film|||| My initial idea when i saw the brief was to do some kind of creepy horror movie, with the feel of a video game. I wanted to scare my audience. The idea of good and evil was what attracted me most. I thought back to when I used to watch blade and other horror movies as an adolescent, and I wanted to recreate for the audience the highly charged feelings you get watching those kind of films at that kind of age. I wanted to produce a one minute trailer for my movie initially. I thought about what might work and how I could incorporate good and evil and I came up with the idea of a zombie movie with a difference. My central character is a zombie that resents having been made a zombie, fighting with the evil he has become. This inner turmoil makes him want revenge on the evil of the zombies by exterminating them – I can’t say killing them as of course they are dead already! I thought of doing a similar thing with vampires but really I think that has already been done with the vampire tv shows and the film interview with a vampire. I have to work out how my zombie character is not pure zombie and I think the idea is that he was born half zombie as his mother was pregnant when she was bitten and he was born with many zombie characteristics. He smells like a zombie, he looks like a zombie. The zombies in this film are not stupid and mindless, but they are evil, but my character can pass himself off as one of them easily so he can get close to them.

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