Thursday 28 November 2013


||||Soundtrack |||| I looked at a few music tracks for horror or scary movies, to see what I thought would work best on my film. I think I want to use classical music, I don’t want anything where people are listening to say lyrics or working out what ”band” it is. I think classical music is more atmospheric but I have to think about which kind of music will work best. My first thought was the soundtrack from Nosferatu the classic vampire movie. this is so scary to listen to, but I think perhaps it is a bit too religious which doesn’t so much tie in with my movie, I might come back to it… Then I looked at the sound track to Candyman. I think this works well, very atmospheric, I can imagine it in the forest scenes I am planning on using, and I like how it is almost cheerful, but with the impression that things are going to go wrong. I think to be really scary the music needs to be something familiar, but with a twist like a heightened tempo, or an irregular rhythm to make the audience feel like things aren’t quite right…but they aren’t quite sure why not… And I also like this soundtrack that is in Kill Bill2 when Bill talks to his brother in the desert, chilling, and really “lost “music. I think something like this at the end of my film as the camera pans out from the forest where all ahs been lost…. Might work really well. plenty to think about, I will be able to fine tune this after I have finished the filming but I know the type of thing I am after now, I don’t want any vocals, that’s for sure.

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