Thursday 28 November 2013


After looking at various location ideas I think the location that would work best for me on an atmospheric and practical level is a wood or forest setting. Being shot in black and white this gives lots of options for shadows and moving shadows as the main character runs through the woods in a spiral of confusion. I like how a forest can be at once magical and that this can quickly change to spooky as night falls, and black and white will accentuate this effect. This image below of a Japanese forest really sums up how I would like the shadows to play out, some of the shapes you see you are not sure what they are at first Of course scary films in a forest is not a new thing, so i have to think how to make my film MINE. It is not Blair Witch, or Friday 13th or the Evil dead! But I do want to take the good bits of this location and use them.

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